Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Plowing of The Wicked

VERSE:                                  Proverbs 21:4

A haughty look, a proud heart, and the plowing of the wicked are sin.


I am very intrigued by this verse. If we have too much pride in ourselves, thinking that by our hand alone we accomplished the goal, then we have sinned. How many of you take pride in the work you do? This is okay. It is not acknowledging God's role that pride is a sin. If we accomplish something and take all of the credit instead of acknowledging who blessed us with the gift in the first place then we have sinned. But if we accomplish something and praise God for His wonderful works then it is okay to accept pride as long as it is pride for the Lord.

The whole of this verse really indicates to us that God doesn't want us walking around thinking we are better then the next person. All of us are sinners and all of us need a Savior. But if we walk around with pride, looking down on others as if they are worthless or less privileged then we have sinned. Plowing in this context means to basically plow them under with the spiritual pride. When you plow you till up the soil and over turn the dirt. God doesn't want us taking our faith and trying to turn over the soil or the dirt of the unbeliever's heart. By coming across to unbelievers that we are better then them we have sinned against God. We will also turn the unbelievers off to God. God created each one of us as equal heirs to His kingdom and regardless of a person's faith each of us are no better than the next person. God doesn't want us puffing our chests out and walking around in pride. Turning our noses up to unbelievers and trying to tell them what is wrong with them. Instead God wants us to humbly show others the truth of Jesus Christ. Share the gospel with them and then once they have given their life to Jesus watch Jesus work wonders in their life. I know that God changed many things about me after I gave my life to Him. I know He will do the same for you or the next person. Don't let the pride get in the way of sharing the gospel with others. Let Jesus guide you daily and avoid the pratfalls of pride.


Pray for a humble spirit. Pray for others who are lost. Pray for Pride in Jesus but not pride in self.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent points. "Without faith it is impossible to please God" (Heb 11:6), so even honourable work, such as plowing, does not please Him unless done in faith. Thank you for reminding us of this.
